1925 Paris Expo <20>1925年パリ「アール・デコ博」とは 1925年パリ「アール・デコ博」 さて、<19>でご紹介した、マリー・ローランサン(1883 – 1956)が絵画作品を提供し、大きな話題を呼んだという「アール・デコ博」。 この万博は、どんな万博だったのだろうか。 基本情報的には、次のよう... 2023.06.02 1925 Paris Expo
1925 Paris Expo <20>1925 Paris Art Deco Exposition 1925 Paris "Art Deco Expo" As introduced in <19>, Marie Laurencin (1883 – 1956) contributed a painting to the "Art Deco ... 2023.06.02 1925 Paris Expo
1925 Paris Expo <19>「マリー・ローランサンとモード」展 渋谷のBunkamuraが休業 先日訪問した「東急歌舞伎町タワー」。なかなか迫力のあるビルで、何より立地がユニークである。 このビルの名前にも「東急」と入っている通り、東急と東急レクリエーションが事業主体ということである。 東急といえば、今... 2023.06.02 1925 Paris Expo
1925 Paris Expo <19> ”Marie Laurencin et la mode” Exhibition Bunkamura in Shibuya is closed temporarily The other day I visited "Tokyu Kabukicho Tower". It is a very impressive buil... 2023.06.02 1925 Paris Expo
1876 Philadelphia Expo <18> Thinking about the World Expo at Kabukicho Tower to be completed in 2023 Meet a friend in Shinjuku I decided to meet up with a friend and have dinner in Shinjuku. Unless it's something like tha... 2023.05.21 1876 Philadelphia Expo
1851 London Expo <17> The Art Exhibition where you can see the Medal of 1851 London Great Exhibition "A Celebration of Victorian Jewelry – Love, Leisure and Ceremony" (Okura Museum of Art) "Okura Shukokan (Okura Museum of... 2023.05.21 1851 London Expo
Paris Expo <16> “Secrets of National Important Cultural Properties” (The National Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo) "Secrets of National Important Cultural Properties" I went to the National Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo in Takebashi, Tok... 2023.05.21 Paris Expo
EXPO <15> Sarah Àlainn Quartet (Billboard Live TOKYO) Billboard Live TOKYO One day in April, after spending more time than expected at the "Heatherwick Studio Exhibition" at ... 2023.05.13 EXPOEXPO 2005 AICHI
2010 Shanghai Expo <14> “Building Soulfulness, Studio Heatherwick” (Roppongi Mori Art Museum, Tokyo City View)② "Building Soulfulness, Studio Heatherwick" "Building Soulfulness, Studio Heatherwick" (Roppongi Mori Art Museum, Tokyo C... 2023.04.30 2010 Shanghai Expo
EXPO <13> Studio Heatherwick Exhibition (Tokyo City View, Mori Art Museum)① "Building Soulfulness, Studio Heatherwick" I visited the "Building Soulfulness, Studio Heatherwick" exhibition at the Ro... 2023.04.30 EXPO