<12> Obituary of Mr. Shoichiro Toyoda


The Obituary of Shoichiro Toyoda

The obituary of Shoichiro Toyoda arrived on February 14, 2023.

Shoichiro Toyoda was a prominent figure in the business world, and at the time of his death he was the honorary chairman of Toyota Motor Corporation and the Japan Business Federation.

The announcement on Toyota’s website on February 14 states as follows.

February 14, 2023
Passing of TMC Honorary Chairman Shoichiro Toyoda


It is with great sadness that Toyota Motor Corporation (TMC) announces the passing of TMC Honorary Chairman Shoichiro Toyoda.

Full name: Shoichiro Toyoda
Time and date of death: 4:48 P.M., February 14, 2023
Cause of death: Heart failure
Age at death: 97
Date of birth: February 27, 1925
Place of birth: Nagoya City, Aichi Prefecture
Bereaved: Akio Toyoda (Relation: Eldest son)
Funeral services: For close family only
TMC plans to hold a farewell gathering for Honorary Chairman Toyoda at a later date.

And, a Memorial Service was held on April 24th.

According to Toyota Motor Corporation’s website, the following information was provided.

Notice: Memorial Service for Shoichiro Toyoda


Toyota Motor Corporation (TMC) and the Toyota Group companies will hold a memorial service for TMC honorary chairman the late Shoichiro Toyoda, who passed away on February 14 this year, at the following date, time and location.
Date       Monday, April 24, 2023
Time       14:30-16:30
Tokyo      Room Fuyo, 1st floor, The Main building, Hotel New Otani Tokyo
4-1, Kioi-cho, Chiyoda-ku,Tokyo
Nagoya   Midland Hall, 5th floor, Midland Square   4-7-1, Meieki, Nakamura-ku, Nagoya-shi, Aichi
Toyota     Main Hall, Toyota Motor Corporation    1, Toyota-cho, Toyota-shi, Aichi
NOTES     Flowers and gifts will not be accepted.

Now you can see why I am bringing this news up.

This is because Mr. Shoichiro Toyoda was the chairman of the 2005 Japan Association for the World Exposition.

I have also met with Chairman Toyoda several times.

Although I was just one of the workers for the Expo, I was given the opportunity to give a presentation directly to Chairman Toyoda on a few occasions, such as when explaining the plans for the theme pavilion, “Global House.”

Also, at the party for the staff held after Expo 2005 Aichi, Japan, I was fortunate enough to have an opportunity to take a picture with him. It is a memory of a lifetime for me.

Beginning of EXPO 2005 Aichi, Japan

Then, what kind of Expo was the 2005 EXPO 2005 Aichi, Japan?

Immediately after the success of the Tsukuba Science Expo in 1985, both Aichi Prefecture and the national government (mainly the Ministry of International Trade and Industry at the time) began talking about holding an Expo in the Chubu region at the beginning of the 21st century.

Then, on December 14, 1988, at the 104th General Assembly of the Bureau International des Expositions (BIE) held in Paris, Yukio Imagawa, representative of the Japanese government, said, “The Japanese government wants to hold an international exposition in the early 21st century in Aichi Prefecture. I’m thinking about it,” de facto declaration of candidacy.

Afterwards, on December 19, 1995, the cabinet approved the application for hosting an international exposition in Aichi Prefecture.
At that time, the government officially decided to host the 2005 Aichi Expo.

Then, Japan formally ran for candidacy in 1996, and on June 12, 1997, the 121st General Assembly of the BIE was held in the Principality of Monaco, which gave Japan the right to hold the 2005 Expo.

After the decision was made to hold the event in Japan, the Japan Association for the 2005 World Exposition was established. The chairman is, of course, Shoichiro Toyoda (then chairman of Keidanren and chairman of Toyota Motor Corporation).

Expo 2005 Aichi was a controversial Expo from the outset.

After it was decided that the event would be held, it was confirmed that an endangered goshawk was nesting in the satoyama “Kaisho no Mori,” which was the planned site for the Expo, and a large opposition movement took place. They asked, ‘Despite the theme of “Nature’s Wisdom”, are you going to exterminate the Goshawk?’

So the association decides to change the venue. The area of the originally planned venue “Kai no Mori” was drastically reduced, and the nearby “Youth Park” was used as the main venue.

Along with that, the expected number of visitors was reduced from 25 million to 15 million, and along with that, the various business plans were forced to change .

From the preparatory stage of Expo 2005 Aichi to its successful completion, the secretary-general of the Japan Expo Association was replaced twice, with a total of three people serving. Mr. Toshio Nakamura was the one who inherited the final sash and led it to great success.

Shoichiro Toyoda and EXPO 2005 Aichi, Japan

However, it was Mr. Shoichiro Toyoda who remained chairman during all the time.

Dealing with foreign governments (when voting for the BIE, when asking for participation), dealing with the Japanese government, dealing with participating companies and sponsoring companies, dealing with the local community, Mr. Shoichiro Toyoda’s presence was extremely powerful and indispensable.

Without Mr. Shoichiro Toyoda, it would have been difficult for EXPO 2005 AICHI, JAPAN, which experienced many twists and turns, to be a great success.

Furthermore, after the EXPO 2005 AICHI, JAPAN, the main body that continues the succession project is the Global Industrial and Cultural Research Institute (GISPRI). From 1989 (1989) to 1991 (1991), the “21st Century World Exposition Basic Survey” was conducted.

These “reports” are stored in GISPRI, but if you look at the “basic problem round-table conference list”, the name of “Shoichiro Toyoda” can be recognized there as well.


About this “conference”, the chairperson is Mr. Shozaburo Kimura (former professor of the College of Liberal Arts, University of Tokyo), the vice-chairman is Mr. Koto Oyama (commentary committee member of Japan Broadcasting Corporation), and 21 members are listed. Mr. Taichi Sakaiya (author), Mr. Shinji Fukukawa (Ministry of International Trade and Industry Advisor), Mr. Akio Morita (Chairman of Sony Corporation) and others are among them. The name of “Mr. Shoichiro Toyoda” is also included in this.

He was really involved in EXPO 2005 AICHI, JAPAN from the beginning, and was able to see it through to its great success in the end.

Looking at NHK news about the passing of Shoichiro Toyoda this time, it says

“…he also served as chairman of the Association for the Expo 2005, which was held in Aichi Prefecture in 2005. …”

Only just one sentence is written. The salvation is that the photo with “Morizo” and “Kikkoro”, which are the mascots of “EXPO 2005 AICHI, JAPAN” is adopted.

Since his achievements other than the World Expo are enormous, it is inevitable, but I think it would be good to have more comments on his involvement in the World Expo.

While thinking so, when I was checking the news about the “Memorial Service”, I found a wonderful sentence in the condolence speech of Mr. Takeshi Uchiyamada, Representative Director of Toyota Motor Corporation.

In his eulogy, Mr. Uchiyamada said:

・・・Furthermore, in 2005, the Aichi Expo was held under the theme of Nature’s Wisdom, you worked hard with the government and local governments to invite the Expo to Aichi. And after the decision to hold the Expo in Aichi, Japan, you became the Chairman of the 2005 Japan Association for the World Exposition and led it to great success, demonstrating exceptional leadership.

In the occasion of the first international exposition of the 21st century, you wanted it be a place of great exchange for people from all over the world. You hoped “I want the Expo to lead to the creation of an attractive Japan, that attracts people from all over the world.” As you hoped, it has become something that remains in history  ・・・

Nowadays, the topic of Expo 2025 Osaka-Kansai is gradually increasing.
It would be better to  systematically re-evaluate EXPO 2005 AICHI, JAPAN, spread it widely, and learn what we can learn from it once again.

Hearing the news of his death, all the people involved in EXPO 2005 AICHI, JAPAN must have renewed their belief that Mr. Shoichiro Toyoda was the benefactor of EXPO 2005 AICHI, JAPAN.

I pray from the bottom of my heart that Chairman Shoichiro Toyoda may rest in peace.
